Japanese essential oil – RICE FORCE signature aroma – Yuzu
Let’s talk about our analysis of RICE FORCE treatment oils by taking a look at our signature ingredient of Yuzu, seeing how scientific research backs up our claims!
According to a survey undertaken by the Forestry and Fisheries Ministry, the region with the largest production of yuzu in Japan is Kochi Prefecture on Shikoku, the smallest of Japan’s main islands. The temperate climate of the inland produces a rich soil which is suitable for citrus fruit tree cultivation – not only Yuzu, but lemon and oranges also.
The delicate and beautiful fragrance of Yuzu in Shikoku has become a signature part of the treatment aroma oils developed by RICE FORCE, itself headquartered in Kagawa Prefecture of Shikoku.
The Shikoku connection gives you a feeling of the rich warm energy of this region!
One of the usages of Yuzu familiar to Japanese people is “Yuzu-yu”, which can be translated as Yuzu-bath. Yuzu-bath is a folk remedy that has been used for maintaining health fromancient times, but even under the gaze of modern science it has been proven as effective for promoting blood circulation, preventing colds, improving the problems of cold feet and lower backache and many more.
It has the effect of boosting the immune system thanks to the inclusion of limonene, one of the main ingredients of Yuzu essential oil. Research suggests that inhaling the scent of Yuzu essential oil enhances the parasympathetic nerves.
In balancing the autonomic nervous system, Yuzu essential oil can be said to have an efficacious effect to energise your body.
Yuzu essential oil is blended into all of the aroma blends of RICE FORCE treatment oil: QI (energy), SEI (relax) and RYU (muscle).
When the mind and body are feeling weak, Yuzu has a potent, fragrant energy that responds to the body’s condition and helps to tonify and revitalitise. However, it also has excellent calming properties, soothing any restless feelings. Thus, Yuzu can work both ways – energizing and relaxing accordingly.
Three aroma blends have been prepared for use in our treatment oils. Let’s take a look at the RICE FORCE aromatic blended oil: